The current qualifying distances for free school transport are as follows:
Under 8 years – Year 3 and younger
2 miles
Over 8 years – Year 4 and older
3 miles
Dorset Council School Transport Team: 01305 224537
Spare seats on regular school transport routes may be used on a concessionary basis. Application forms are available from the Local Authority and a bus pass issued on payment of the appropriate amount.
Children are escorted onto their bus by members of staff and unless the school has been told of any change in the way a child is to travel home on a particular day, the child will always travel in the usual way. This will prevent any unnecessary anxiety on everyone’s part.
If you wish your child to be taken off the school bus list on occasions please inform the school office before the end of the day.
It is extremely important for parents to make sure that their children understand that they must remain seated and behave sensibly and quietly when using the school bus.